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United Kingdom
Hi there & welcome to Annie's Place. A place inspired by and named after my late Grandmother Annie. Somewhere I can be creative, and share my love for all things handmade. I like nothing better than sitting with hook & yarn, crafting something home spun & completely unique, or rustling up some yummy baked goodies. I live in a town with a beautiful embankment, situated on the River Great Ouse. You may know me as CosyKitty on Ravelry. Why not stop a while.....?!!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Happy Flower Block Tutorial

Hello lovely readers, before I jump into today's post I really wanted to thank you all for the wonderful comments on my last post. My rules seemed to resonate with a lot of you, especially number 3.Thou shalt not feel guilty for having too many wips on the go at once.There's no shame, we're all the same! (sorry, been watching way too much embarrassing bodies it seems. Those of you outside the UK probably won't have a clue what I'm talking about and may think I've lost my mind completely, don't worry it's just my silly sense of humour) 

It's a common side effect though of being addicted to yarn. It's impossible to solely concentrate on one project at a time, so let us rejoice 'we shall no longer worry about all the ufo's we have languishing at the bottom of our baskets, or hidden away in a drawer or cupboard. We are now liberated! Fear not hooky friends, no more will we allow ourselves to be judged for buying more yarn than is necessary, and flitting between projects. Agreed?

Right, down to today's business. Over the weekend I was doing my usual browsing online, and came across two awe inspiring projects here and here. I was knocked sideways by the gorgeous palettes chosen by both these very talented crocheters. I couldn't find a pattern, but as it looked like a fairly simple concept and with the visuals to guide me, I decided to try my hand at  working up one for myself.

I grabbed some yarn, (yes you guessed it) my trusty Catania Cotton and a 3.5mm hook, found a comfy spot on the sofa and proceeded to make my first block. One turned into two, turned into three, four, five. I got quite carried away with it. I was so happy with the results I took the crazy notion that I might try and write up a pattern for it to share.

So without further ado, I hereby present my very first attempt at a Crochet Tutorial. I've decided to call my interpretation the Happy Flower Block. Please bear in mind I'm completely self taught and have limited ability in this area, therefore if there are any mistakes I can only apologise. I've tried to be as detailed as I can, combining written instructions along with a pictorial guide. Please let me know how you get on? It would please me no end to hear you've given it a go, and it worked *fingers crossed* x x x

Just click on the images for a larger, more detailed view.

Please Note
Rounds 6&7 do not start in a corner space.
I begin the round where the previous finishes.
Also, pictures are as a guide only and do 
not always correspond exactly to the 
written instructions beside/beneath.
Thank you.

Ok, here goes *deep breath* x 

Foundation Ring
Round One

Round Two

Round Three

Round Four

Round Five

Round Six

Round Seven


  1. Beautiful colours and amazing job.
    Thank you for including a tutorial which is always very useful. and you did a great job at explaining everything, nice and clear.

    1. You're very welcome, I'm so pleased you like what I've done. Thank you for taking the time to comment x

    2. You are so very talented!! I've never seen such beautiful work!

    3. your work is so beautiful, thank you for sharing it .

  2. Hear hear for guiltless UFO-liberation and yarn acquisition!! :D
    Ooh that tutorial looks perfect, well written, brilliant step-by-step pictures... You've done a wonderful job! I will try it out tonight and let you know how it went! Thank you for sharing :-) xxxx

    1. Sooooo, did you have a go? Hope so! Thank you for being so encouraging, I appreciate it SO much x

  3. Looks lovely - feels like something I need to add to my list . Thank you for the tutorial x

    1. Ahh yes, all those lists Sue, I have many of them too. Please do have a go when you can, would love to see what you make of it! x

    2. Is Annie's Place the replacement of Annie's Attic, or a totally separate entity?

    3. Nothing to do with Annie's Attic :)

  4. What a lovely pattern, and beautiful colours.
    And a clear and detailed tutorial - thank you!
    Angie x

    1. You're more than welcome Angie. It's lovely knowing you think so! x

  5. Love it! It really is a happy one. Great tutorial.

    1. Thank you for leaving me a message. Glad you like my Happy Block x

  6. This is a fabulous tutorial, I am a complete novice and I think I can follow it! I am going to give it a try at the weekend! Thank you!

    1. Hi Deb, this is what I was hoping to achieve. Something even a novice could try their hand at! I appreciate the comment x

  7. This is a great tutorial. I looks as if you knew exactly what you are doing. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    Can't wait to give it a go!
    Hugs, Shari

    1. Hey Shari, your comment has given me great confidence. Thank you for being so generous x


  8. Wonderful tutorial of a very pretty pattern. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for stopping by to take a look Sandra x

  9. It looks pretty perfect to me, you did a fantastic job. Love the colors, pictures and your directions.

    1. Thank you for always being so kind with your comments Meredith! x

  10. Great tutorial, thanks for writing it.

    1. Thanks for popping in to have a look Jennifer! x

  11. Great tutorial. The colors are so pretty and the directions are easy to follow. Good Job.


    1. Great to know you found it easy to follow Sharon, thanks for the message x

  12. What a beautiful tutorial. Great job. I will be sure to try it out soon. Thanks. xx

    1. Please do let me know how you get on Hazel? Thanks for visiting x

  13. Oh Sharron, you have excelled yourself once again! Your tute is so well done - I really like your style of layout for it, so compact and precise - and although I haven't tried out the pattern yet, I have read it through and it looks 'spot on' to me! Well done!

    I'm with you on the liberation front! I just started another pair of wrist warmers at the weekend then had a new wool delivery Monday and got stuck into another subject altogether!

    Keep inspiring us all Sharron, and a huge thank you! Joy x

    1. Dearest Joy, your messages never fail to brighten my day! I read every word and feel ever so grateful that you would spend time out of your day to leave me such wonderful sentiments.

      I also noted your other comment after trying my tutorial, and was relieved to know you managed it without any problems! yay for me, and you! xx

  14. oh my word Sharon this is lovely. I am a new follower here and I just love the colors. I am loving your tutorial very inspiring. I have got to try this.

    1. Welcome Kiki, it's lovely to have you here! Your message has made me smile x

  15. Awesome Sharron. You work is very colorful and inspiring for the rest of us

    1. It's wonderful to know you feel inspired by what I've created, thank you x

  16. Just beautiful! Thank you for the great tutorial.
    M xxxx

  17. What a lovely blanket and pattern!


    1. Thank you for commenting Jen, it means a lot x

  18. Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern!

  19. Such beautiful colours!!! Thanks for the turorial ♥ Ana BC

    1. Glad you like the colours I've chosen Ana! and I do hope you give the pattern a go when you can x

  20. Beautiful colours and tutorial, well done you on a fantastic project. Chel x

    1. Thank you kindly Chel, so pleased you popped in to have a look x

  21. Your squares are lovely! I really like your color combination, cheerful and very inspiring! Yes, no more fear, let's create and create!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you for leaving a lovely comment. I'm very grateful x

  22. Gorgeous colours and a great tutorial!! I have been wanting to make cushion covers for a long time. I think I will start with these squares. Thank you and YAY for yarn power!! :)

    1. Oh that's really fab to know you may use this pattern for your cushion covers! Please do share your progress when you can x

  23. Hello again Sharron - I just completed a Happy Flower square following your lovely tute, and it has turned out very well; no problems whatsoever! Thank you once again - it's such a lovely pattern - you did a great job. Joy x

  24. Hi Sharon fantastic colors. Can you tell me which ones you used.

    1. Hi there, to be honest I ordered one ball of each colour from the Catania Range which you can find here:
      http://www.handarbeitswaren.de/Schachenmayr-Wolle/Catania-Schachenmayr.html and made random choices for each block. Having disposed of the ball bands, I can't give you the exact details now, apologies. However, I don't think you can make a bad choice with the Catania, as the colours are so vibrant x

  25. Olá!
    Que crochê mais lindo e colorido.
    Adorei seu blog e quero ser sua amiga.
    Um abraço,

    1. Que mensagem bonita, feliz por ter você aqui Rosangela x

  26. Hi I'm new to your blog and the colours of the cushion on the right hand side drew me to your page as I had just finished knitting this jumper!....Check it out here. I really enjoyed looking arounD and will call again soon.


    1. Hi Jo, so pleased to have you here! I had a look at the jumper, and it's fab. I can see the similarity in colour scheme with my cushion, a happy coincidence! Do pop in again some time soon x

  27. Well done and I am so grateful that you made a tutorial.
    Will try this one for sure it is just gorgeous but have to buy first more yarn.
    Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
    Happy crocheting,


    1. Yes yes yes, more yarn buying is a must Yoka! Lovely to have you here, and happy crocheting to you too! x

  28. Lovely colors ! Beautiful ! Great pictures!!

  29. Hi Sharron, first of all WOW, I'm so pleased to have stumbled across your blog I thought I'd have a go at you Happy Flower square tutorial. I ran out and selected some lovely colours of Debbie Bliss eco baby 100% organic cotton. For some reason my square doesn't want to squate, it's staying more of a rounded shape and looks quite stringy. Do you think it's my choice of yarn? I'll keep trying anyway, and look forward to reading your yarn adventures, Lorraine.

    1. Hi Lorraine, thanks for the feedback. Sorry to hear you're having a bit of trouble. It could be the yarn, it could be your tension depending on the hook size you're using. I use a 3.5mm with this particular cotton yarn and it seems to work well. You might want to try 'blocking' them perhaps? As long as you have the chains in the corners you shouldn't have a problem. Sorry I can't be more helpful x

    2. Aw, thank - you, for you swift reply. Much appreciated x

  30. Hi Sharron, I just found your blog and love it. You are so talented and your color choices are fabulous. I just finished your tutorial for the Happy Flower Block. I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Your tutorial was very easy to follow. Not sure about my color choices but I'm using yarn from my stash. Color is easily fixed - just buy more yarn! Thanks for the great tutorial and I hope there will be more to come.

    1. So so so pleased you managed to follow the tutorial, and that it turned out OK! Yep, buying more yarn is the answer. I give you permission to indulge :) Your comment is truly appreciated x

  31. Hi Sharron....praise the lord for this blog tutorial!!
    Sorry to be a tad late with this comment, only just discovered your lovely blog (why??)
    I have been desperate to make this style of square and this tutorial is bob on.
    I will look forward to reading more.
    Emma xxx

    1. Hi Emma,

      Lovely to hear from you, and thank you for being so complimentary about both the blog & tutorial x

  32. Hello..Just found your beautiful and inspiring blog. I am a crocheter and I am following you now. ~Hugs, Patti

    1. You're very welcome here Patti, thanks for leaving a sweet message x

  33. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern, just gorgeous x

    1. You're very very welcome, I'm glad you like it x

  34. Hi - I just found this beautiful pattern - thank you so very much! It's just perfect for a gift I want to make and I want to get started right away. Only - Round 2 is blank. I don't know what to do. :( Help, please!

    1. Hi there, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have no idea why you cannot see Round 2, it's definitely visible on the blog my end?! How very strange. Other than refreshing the page, I'm afraid I don't know what to suggest. However, here's the written instructions for Round 2 without visuals.

      Join new colour to treble space from previous round,
      chain 3 (counts as 1st treble), 1 treble into same space, ch1
      2 trebles into each space, ch1 around the circle (24 trebles in total)
      Join with Slip-Stitch into top of starting chain 3
      Fasten off.

      Hope that helps? :)

  35. Thank you so much- can you wash it?-instructions?

  36. Maravilhoso!
    E com tutorial, como eu gosto! Acho que usou lã Catania,
    e verdade? Vou procurar aqui em Portugal essas maravilhosas
    côres. Obrigada e continue, para meu proveito e de tantas outras!

  37. Hey! we sent love from Argentina, I identify with it! I already did it and I love it. My name is Victoria, I'm your fan!

  38. Hi Sharron - this is probably going to sound a bit bizarre ;) but something about the way you write really resonates with me - thank you for sharing the tutorial but also thank you for sharing your 'rules' and the lovely countryside photography.

    I love that you named the blog after your Grandmother :) and the photo of Annie reminds me a lot of my Nana's family from Wales (Hunt's, Aston's and Pugsley's).

    Thank you for taking the time to share with us a bit of your world.


  39. Hi there! Thank you for the lesson! Your piece is really beautiful. I am very new to the total joys of crochet and I am hooked, lined and definitely sinkered! I shall have a go at making your pretty blocks - thank you for the detailed instructions which look very helpful (haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure it will work a treat).

    I shall also be back to visit - your blog looks lovely.

  40. Thanks for the tutorial - your squares look beautiful. Love your blog and your colours!!!Sending you love from Germany

  41. Love the tutorial! Making this blanket for my niece who's having a baby girl. The only issue I am having is the squares keep curling up... Errr... What am I doing wrong? Help!

  42. ¡¡Que bien está explicado¡¡ me encanta tu blog. Un saludo

  43. First off, I found you on Pinterest and have now liked your site on StumbleUpon so hopefully many more people see this.

    Second: Great tutorial! I've been having issues with the Granny-square pattern but with your awesome step-by-step, easy to follow instructions, I finally did it!
    Thank you for the great walk-through.


  44. Your use of colour is fabulous!!! I cant find that many shades in one colour of catania in the netherlands, but i keep on searching,

    Greetz, jehanne

  45. beautiful <3 how the flowers are planted together?

  46. This is so gorgeous - love the bright happy colours - thanks for the tutorial!

  47. Wonderful tutorial. You have a great eye for colour too- I an trying to restrain myself from buying ALL the Catania cottons. In fact one if these night when I'm sitting with a glass of wine I just know I'll press' buy now'.! Thank you also for the colour sequence for the granny strip blanket, I made a big blanket for my daughter going to Uni and she just loves it. Keep up the grea work

  48. Not sure how to send a photo link of my finished blanket !

  49. Thank you so much for writing up that tutorial! You did AWESOME! Did you know that every piece of crochet you craft makes me go "Ohhhh...it's gorgeous!". And I think it can't get better than that, and I scroll down your blog page and next image peeks up and I am thrilled! I quickly scroll to get the whole picture on my screen, and again, my eyes are wide, like a kid in a candy store, and I am certain that THIS project is perfection! And it just keeps going on and on, with each and every pic of the other project you have created. My goodness! Your blog is my favorite! Your use of color amazes and pleases my senses to such a degree, I want to make them all! Thank you, again, for this tutorial! Oh, visitors to my home are made to look at your blog! LOL! And that white granny with the lime green edge is breathtakingly beautiful to them (to myself too)! I know you would have NO problem selling that for a lot of money, it's that coveted by people. Just whip a few hundred out and start selling! I thought you should know how much joy your projects bring to the beholder. Truly color therapy!

  50. Thank you so much for this tutorial! I relate a lot to your blog as my grandmother also made crochet masterpieces. I just went to my third crochet class yesterday and learned how to make my first HAPPY FLOWER BLOCK square! I cannot tell you how happy it has made me! Thank you :). ~maria

  51. Your colour sense is incredible! I love to look at your work. Thanks.

  52. Your work is inspiring. I just bought the book 200 Crochet Blocks for blankets and have been practicing, using your tutorial, to start the Happy Flower Blocks. I usually knit but I love the granny square and would love to crochet a blanket! Thank you for taking the time to show the pics and explain the process of making such beautiful squares! Your sense of color is awesome!

  53. These are beautiful blocks and I am going to give this a try with a lovely new collection of yarn I have just brought. The instructions and photos look great too.

  54. Such BEAUTIFUL colors !! We don't have this brand of yarn here but I am going to order some online. I see it being used in a lot of blogs and I have just fallen in Love with the color options. Thanks so much for taking your time to write the tutorial you did a wonderful job !!

  55. I'm going to start this project soon- now that I've purchased every colour of catania cotton. Love this tutorial and can't wait to get started. Can you tell us how you join your squares?

  56. LOVE this granny square! Thank you for the tutorial. <3

  57. I am so glad I found your page!!!! I love this block, I am trying it right now, Thank you for the step by step instructions it is just awesome of you !!!
    A new fan of yours

  58. Thanks for your tutorial and suggestions! I have been wanting to try a granny-square pattern and have searched for directions for a flower. This is perfect!

  59. Beautifully done! Going to try as soon as I figure out how to convert to US terms. ;-)

  60. Great tutorial!! Thanks!!! I was wondering if you would answer a question for me? How did you connect the flower squares? I'm going to try this flower block when I'm done with my current project... As a quilter, too, I know about WIPs!!!! Not going to feel guilty about a few crochet WIPS! hehehehehe

  61. Beautiful work, I always love catching up with your blog. I've linked you in on mine mix-ture43 - Blogs I love! Thank you for sharing. x

  62. hermosisimo y gracias por su precioso tiempo

  63. I would love to know how you joined
    them together! This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. It looks like single crochet.

  64. thank you much for sharing your wonderful, wonderful work!

  65. This is sooo beautiful! I love your blog and your amazing pictures, and your tutorial is super clear for a self-taught crochet lover like me. Thank you - I cannot wait to have a go

  66. Hi, I'm from brazil and I love your blog. This explanation is perfect. Do more tutorials! :)

  67. Thank you so much for this great tutorial! I also love your blog! :)

  68. Ana, adorei seu blog!! Maravilhoso o seu tutorial de Happy Flower!! Parabéns!! From Brasil!! Kisses!!
    Elza Guerra, from Brasil!!

  69. Beautiful, Thank you for the tutorial :-)

  70. I love that if you wanted to, you could stop and have a round or square coaster, or use them to embellish a blanket already finished! Very versatile & easy to follow (= Lovely job!

  71. Lovely! How do you connect them all?

  72. I love your work! So pretty! Glad I stumble over!

  73. Dear Sharon,

    I just found your blog today. I LOVE the happy colours. Thanks for the beautifully detailed pictures and instructions. I'm inspired enough to order the yearn for an afghan :)

    Cheers !

  74. Olá sou brasileira e por acaso encontrei seu Blog, através de outro. A senhora é maravilhosa!!! tudo é lindo aqui, aprendi crochet com minha avó, ela fazia esses squares tanto é que tenho uma colcha de recordação. É minha paixão fazer esses squares. Gostaria de perguntar como a senhora faz as emendas??? Seria carreiras em ponto baixo???Obrigado.. Virei sempre visitá-la ... Parabéns!!!

  75. Hi found your pattern through Mary at the Go Crochet Crazy blog - http://gocrochetcrazy.blogspot.com/ Iam totally in love with your blog and patterns!!!! Love love!

  76. Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who found you through Go Crazy Crochet! I LOVE this pattern. I can't wait to finish what I'm currently working on (it's a gift so I can't just out it aside) and try my hand at this. It is beautiful. I have a feeling I will be a frequent visitor.

  77. Hi Sharron, thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I am new to crochet. I have completed a colourful ripple blanket and am looking for my next project. Can you explain how you have joined your blocks together. It looks like you have held two blocks together (good sides facing out) and crocheted them together. Then once you have rows of them, joined the rows together same as before. Your advice would be appreciated.

  78. I just love your work. The colour schemes are so bright and eye-catching.

  79. krásné! Děkuji! Veronika

  80. Best detailed tutorial for a beginner like me, thank you so much.

  81. Love this tutorial - am just getting organized to get started. I know that for more experienced people - selecting the colors, determining placement, and how many of each square type to make - all of these things are probably fun and easy for you all - but it's torture for me!

    Can you comment on how many different colors you used, what pattern of color for different squares, and how many of each variation? Then I have no idea how to arrange all the different squares so that they look good when I join them together.

    Help! Can you provide any advice or assistance?

    (Scientist by nature but love crochet -but desperately need detailed instructions)

  82. Hi there. I am just starting to learn crocheting and your tutorials are the best I have come across so far! I am having trouble learning to read patterns though. Any advice on that?
    I will be trying this pattern for sure. The pictures helps a lot

  83. Whatever nice things everyone has already said, I second that emotion. OMG! I have NEVER seen such beautiful illustrations and absolutely gorgeous work. You are a perfectionist with a totally awesome tension in your stitches. Only one other person I've come across to make their work look like it came from a loom and that was my aunt who crocheted until she passed at 95. I REALLY want to make an afghan or throw like this. I do, however, agree with JILL McDIVITT that choosing colors to match is torture for me, too. You have inspired me. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL. Do you have a newsletter or blog? Viki

  84. Felicitaciones por tan hermosos trabajos y por su gran corazón al mostrarlos.

  85. The crochet work in your squares is very LOVELY work, especially for someone who is self taught. I am also self taught at age of 12 or 13, that means I have been playing with it for almost 50 years. I must say that your stitches flow, and are very pleasing to look at.

  86. I'm new to this, beginner, beginner but I'm ready to start a project and I just found it. Thanks...I'll let you see the end result...what thread though!

  87. This is the most gorgeous granny square I have ever seen. I am so excited to get started on this afghan and can't wait to give it to my 90 year old Mother as a special gift. Thank You sooooo much for the beautiful pictures and instructions.

  88. Only just starting out and looking everywhere how to begin, so thank-you for your great instructions they are unlike any I have seen so far. I might be able to crochet yet! Annette :)

  89. Your design, instructions and illustrations are wonderful......I was just wondering what size your finished blanket is and if you know how much yarn you used on the various colors...I.was so excited mentally planning a color schematic last night I was not even able to get to sleep......your design is gorgeous and so exciting nd refreshing......thank you so much for all you help in posting the instructions and excellent photos!

  90. Do you have a tutorial or youtube on how to join the squares? I need help. Please and thank you. Vicki

  91. Thank you for sharing these tutorial. I will give it a try soon, hope it will end up beautiful just like yours.

  92. Hello! This is the first time I've been here and fell in love with this pattern immediately. I have a new granddaughter arriving just before Christmas and this is just what I've been looking for. I've ordered all the colours of the yarn tonight on line, I can't wait to start. Thank you for the inspiration and sharing your beautiful pattern! Gill.

  93. Thanks for sharing this instructions! Your tutorial is so clear and easy to follow. I've made my own version of Happy Flower Block and I'm... happy! Greetings from Poland :)

  94. Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge.

  95. It's a nice and clear photo tutorial, great and well explained instructions, amazing job! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day! Greetings

  96. Thank you for simple tutorial for beginner like me

  97. I just found this and love the pattern! I'm redoing my quilt studio, but I also crochet and have a horde of yarn stashed. I love the bright sherbety colors you've chose and as I have such a stash of one or two skeins left from previous projects and am using bright sherbet tones for my quilt studio, this is the perfect throw over my comfy armchair (for hand sewing! or unstitching when necessary) Love it! Will start on this today. I have to first translate the UK crochet terms to US since I'm more familiar with these, but it should be easy enough from your delightful pictures. Thanks for a lovely project to start. I won't tell you how many UFO's I have that are in various stages of unfinished bliss.

  98. It's so beautiful... The Color's so amazing!

  99. Thank you so much for such a lovely pattern. I can't wait to try it. I assume that you just sew the squares together?
    Leah from California

  100. I visited your web page for the first time today and am impressed with your work.
    I have just started crochet work just 3 months ago and have just finished my first grany square rug. I was looking for a pattern for a round and tried your happy flower block and am pleased with it. will keep in touch.

  101. This is my very favorite granny square pattern. I had been looking for and trying out granny squares for awhile.. And yeah I know they are all very similar.. I just love this one! I can't wait to finish my quilt. Thank you so much for the tutorial!

  102. Thanks for the inspiration Sharron. This is just devine. I've added your link to my blog post as I'm in the middle of making this blanket, well a few alterations and I haven't the beautiful colours you do but its still coming along nicely. Warm regards,

  103. wundervoller Blog!
    Ich komme wieder... ;-)
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland, Manja

  104. oh my, you're an artist with yarn and a hook!

  105. It's taken 2 months but have finally finished my blanket :D Thanks again for the beautiful inspiration and great tutorial.
    Warm regards,

  106. There is a beautiful little pillow with 3 blue buttons sewn on the side of it that I would love to make in the larger afghan in the colors you made the pillow out of. Could you please tell me what yarn you used and what colors they are?? Thank you in advance, and you work is so inspiring!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Debbie,

      I know the cushion you are referring to and I used Sublime Yarns Organic Cotton DK. Sadly I think it's been discontinued, but you might find the odd bit on Ebay, Etsy or similar if you search. If not, I do hope you can source something comparable. I made this such a long time ago, I never took a note of the colours. I'm really sorry I can't give you better news. Thank you for being so complimentary about the blog, it's much appreciated.

      Kind regards,

  107. Sharron, I am so thrilled to have found this page today. I crocheted about 46 years ago before my son was born! Have been dying to try something again, and these squares look so beautiful. Thanks for the fantastic tutorial, which I certainly need now. I also saw the lovely pillowcase and think that is such a wonderful idea! I plan to make a number of squares to make some of these as well. I believe these pillowcases will make fantastic gifts for friends, etc.!

  108. Yesterday I made my first square - just a test sample. Your instructions are just so easy to follow, and I am thrilled by the outcome. Today I plan to go and get some cotton. Locally I will unfortunately not be able to get what you used, but plan to buy the best I can get. Thanks again!

  109. Sharron, could you perhaps also help me with a pattern for the one where you have 4 small squares making up the size of 1 large one, so that I could try that one. I am so motivated by your beautiful work now!

  110. I love how colourful this is, it's an exquisite pattern!

  111. mi piace moltissimo la tua happy granny e voglio provare a farla per il mio nipotino che nascerà a novembre grazie per le spiegazioni....

  112. I recently came across, in my mother's cedar chest, a throw very similar to the right side picture of the top with the black crocheted background. No one knows in my family where it came from. The antique places I checked in town and fabric rug weaving shops said "No one does them anymore!" Plus there is no value to I estimate that the one I have is approximately 80 years old. The only person who crocheted was my Grandmother who was born in 1901. She passed in 1997 and was still crocheting. Plus, there is no value to it. I think I have a gem.

  113. I've just stumbled upon your blog so many beautiful things and so colourful. I was actually looking for the pattern to the Isobel Motif I think it's call but the link didn't seem to be work. Hopefully, I can acquire it somehow. Thanks for being so generous with all your work it's very inspiring. From the land down under! Cathie

  114. Beautiful!! Thanks for posting :D

  115. Ms. Sharron,
    What do you think is the best way to join all these fun little squares? Shall we slip stitch them together? Do we need to use certain stitches to fill in the corners, or will they get naturally pointier as we're joining? (I've only made 5 so far and haven't blocked anything yet, so maybe that last question is a little hasty.) Such wonderful work! Thanks for sharing with us. :) I'm making it for my husband and I. :)

  116. I love this pattern! Thank you for sharing it!

  117. Love your sense of humor, and can't wait to try your pattern for this flower block; right after I finish up my backpack lol

  118. Hi, do you have a how to on how to connect all the squares ? I don't see it in this pattern. thanks

  119. The colors are so vibrant that I thoight that the 3 tr sections somehow turned up, like flower petals. The whole afghan is beautiful I may have to increase my yarn stash to include more vibrant colors. I so glad you mentioned the guiltless many projects at once. I always want to start something new before I finish the last one!

  120. Thankyou I love it and have just finished my first square ever. Can you please tell me how to connect them ? Absolutely beautiful and easy instructions.

    1. http://hookandbake.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/jayg-join-as-you-go-tutorial-happy.html?showComment=1498345334892#c3267026377893299950

  121. Your colours are so vivid,they are beautiful.I`ve just finished two afgans.I make a sample block of yours.a question is your tr.yarn around hook twice or just once?I`m in Canada and our tr.is twice around the hook.

    1. UK Treble = US Double
      UK Treble in this pattern is yarn round hook once. A double treble (DTR) would be round twice :)

    2. Thank you for answering so quickly.I did the block using tr and dtr and it was not neat like yours.I`ve always got two or three projects on the go.I did a lot of afgans for gifts but none that were as colourfull as your,I love the bright colours.Thanks again.

  122. do you show how to put this sfghan together anywhere or did I miss it?

    1. http://hookandbake.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/jayg-join-as-you-go-tutorial-happy.html?showComment=1498345334892#c3267026377893299950

  123. I just happened to stumble onto this pattern. Love it! Getting ready to have both knees replaced so this will keep me busy for the 12 weeks i'm down.

    1. Hope the surgery went well. Thank you for letting me know you like the pattern!!

  124. Linda jean brown15 July 2017 at 18:36

    I'll try again every time I leave a comment I don't know if it's coming through I love your pattern I too am self taught and left-handed to boot so I do things quite backwards but I get it right thank you again

    1. Hey Linda, sorry you've had trouble commenting, but thank you so much for persevering and letting me know you're there!! I appreciate your kindness.

  125. Thank you very much your fantastic Granny Squares!
    I have made it vith white and another with black frame but mine is very loose – I don't kno, why... I have made them with 100% Cotton. Perhaps the hook was a little too bulky?
    Have a nice week and weekend!


  126. Thank you for the lovely pattern. I had a very nice Sunday afternoon making some squares.


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