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Hi there & welcome to Annie's Place. A place inspired by and named after my late Grandmother Annie. Somewhere I can be creative, and share my love for all things handmade. I like nothing better than sitting with hook & yarn, crafting something home spun & completely unique, or rustling up some yummy baked goodies. I live in a town with a beautiful embankment, situated on the River Great Ouse. You may know me as CosyKitty on Ravelry. Why not stop a while.....?!!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Colour Junky

As I look out of my window here in my little corner of England today, the wind is blowing quite ferociously through the trees and the clouds are grey and menacing. This is supposed to be Summer right? If it weren't for my ability to escape into a basket full of happy coloured yarn, I'm sure I would feel quite miserable. Talk about an instant mood enhancer! A few hours spent immersed in my own hooky world does wonders  for me you know?!! Hands up who's with me on that?

I've been SO overwhelmed by the response I've had this last week to my solid 'Willow' block project. All the fantastic feedback has given me a real boost of confidence, reassuring me that I should continue to experiment with new ideas, so I thank you ALL for that! And with that in mind, I'd also like to WELCOME all my new readers who've recently found 'Annie's Place'. I'm so happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy all my creative ramblings?!!

As you can see I've moved on with crocheting my squares together. Nothing complicated, just a very simple double crochet seam. I really do want to look at more advanced techniques for attaching blocks together, but for now I'm quite satisfied with this easy, and neat result. Being self-taught I tend to stick to my tried and tested methods, but will endeavour to step outside my comfort zone at some point soon and try some more intricate methods.  

Prior to the inclement weather of recent days, we did have a few decent sunny spells. I've lived in Bedfordshire my entire life and am ashamed to say I really don't know this beautiful county as well as I should. There are so many hidden gems in this part of the East, I'm determined to explore. 

I think you do take forgranted what's on your own doorstep. I'm certainly seeing things from a different perspective now I'm older. I've always been a lover of landscapes, and we have some beautiful scenery only a few miles out of town. The British countryside is definitely the jewel in our crown.

Don't you think this makes for a rather lovely setting? 

Taking riverside walks at Willington is one of my favourite things to do. When I'm at the spot you see pictured above, I can't help but think of The Waltons. I could just imagine Elizabeth, Ben, or Jim-Bob messing around in the water there. As a child I dreamt of visiting Walton's Mountain. I will get there one day!  Maybe some of you reading this can relate, or perhaps even reside in that beautiful part of the world? 

Let's hope the rain we have today makes 
way for some glorious sunshine, especially 
as Wimbledon is nearly upon us!

Anyone for Tennis?

x x x x x


  1. I'm with you on the dive into a bag full of different coloured wool, I do it every evening to forget about work and stress and loose myself in my crochet blanket.Wimbledon normally means one thing - rain :-(

  2. I absolutely love how the squares look together! So vibrant and cheerful!

  3. Hi Sharron,My hand is certainly up!!!I 'feel' the color around me and it definitely affects my moods!!!Have a bright and happy weekend!!!

  4. Its really, really beautiful, your blanket, I love the colors you have used. And yes, we want SUN....:) perhaps next week?

  5. I love the willow pattern and used it in a baby blanket but yours is so colourful...and neat! I always love to see your different blankets, they give me the inspiration I need to keep going. I love your part of the country and to be on that boat...in sun...would be perfect. xx

  6. They look fab joined together. I always get a bit scared of join as you go - what if I want to move them round at the end... I am on hexagons at the moment hope they look as neat as yours when it all comes together. Jo x


  7. Its so beautiful, your blanket, I love the colors you have used.
    You live in a very beautiful place ... Was nice to see the photos ... And we had a couple of warm summer days, today was a heavy rain ... Your blanket is really pleasing to the eye ...
    Best wishes, Tatjana.

  8. Oh! Your afghan is delicious! I love the mix of colours. I, too. prefer that double crochet style of joining - simple and effective!

  9. Oh I love how neat your join is. Those squares are lovely!

  10. I'm happy that you've received these accolades. Your work really is great and I love those new squares all sewn up, too. Keep on keepin' on! Also love your part of the world. So beautiful. Wish I could visit.

  11. P.S., I hope you'll do a tutorial on how you make those joins so perfect! Thanks.

  12. Those squares look just beautiful. Such a lovely pattern. Colourful hook always cheers me up too!

  13. Sorry your weather is so horrible, but it sure is helping to give you time to crochet that amazing blanket. This blanket is truly one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

    Well done,

  14. oohh your crochet is beautiful, so gorgeously gorgeous!! i love the colours! and i have the same rose-bud bed set (Ikea?) but yours looks nicely ironed, mine isn't lol xxx

  15. Those squares look like perfect fruit sweets that I really want to eat. I may have to give this pattern a go, it's amazing. x

  16. I love everything on your blog, you have a real eye for colour combinations, I'll be popping back often :)

  17. Your blanket truly can make anybody happy in an instant. I love how you combined the colours ♥

  18. Your willow blanket is beautiful, I love all the colours you've used. I will definitely be having a go at you willow motif.

  19. Absolutely Beautiful!! It is a delicate blossom of color. Just love the colors you've used and the seaming to put them together!!! Beautiful!!

  20. Both my hands are up, Sharron, but my colours are not really doing it for me this week - never mind, tomorrow is another day!
    Your squares are looking delightful all joined up in such neat straight rows - just perfect!
    Lovely to see your beautiful surroundings - I hope you can find more time to enjoy the exploring - so good for the soul!
    Joy x

  21. The colors of your blanket are so warm and so cheerful! Great color work :) I also liked that white cushion cover - looks so lovely!
    Hope weather improve sin your corner of the world. Have a fabulous weekend!

  22. You have such a fabulous eye for colour. Your work is always such a feast for the eyes.

  23. Oh my that landscape is amazingly beautiful! How I would love to ride my bike there, or go exploring with the dog! I really hope you'll have a lovely summer over in Bedfordshire, that way we can enjoy the pictures too ;-)
    Ahh yes, colourful yarn therapy for yucky days... Just what I needed yesterday, were it not that after 15 minutes of hooky time the base of my left thumb started to hurt like hell! I'm slightly worried, I hope it's nothing and it goes away quickly... Wishing you a lovely weekend :-) xxxx

  24. What gorgeous sunny colours, but that green of the countryside is the best colour of all. I can relate to The Walton's longing I so wanted to live in that big happy family up on the mountain and say goodnight to everyone. Sarah x

  25. Wow your blocks are soooooooooooooo very beautiful and all the colors are glorious. I always enjoy seeing all the lovely places in England.. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Judy

  26. Lovely! We have had such rain here in Connecticut (USA). Your afghan brings out the sunshine!

  27. Lovely blanket! You've inspired me to make my own summer afghan. Would you do a review on the different brands of cotton yarn that you use? Do they bleed after wash? Do you have any yarn recommendations?

    Thanks, Nan

  28. Thank you Sharron for your warm welcome for your new readers, what I am. Since I've discovered your bog and your wonderful crochet works, I dream ...I'm not a native English speaker, so apologize if I made some mistakes, thanks !
    I'm very please to find you on the web !

  29. Hello Sharon,
    Ooh! what a lovely blog. Your colours and crochet are really inspiring. Have ordered the book to get the original block pattern. Here in our part of Australia we should be in winter but the sun is shining and although it's a little windy the temp is more like spring. Our poor plants and trees are getting very mixed up, shedding leaves but sprouting new ones as well. Crazy season here as well. So happy to have found you and your blanket is beautiful and very neat as well.
    Blessings Gail.

  30. Hi Sharron, more great inspiration from you,I can always rely on your page to brighten my day! I'm the same, completely obsessive hooker...addicted to yummy yarns, keep up the good work xxxx Andrea

  31. It's really very gorgeous indeed, such a wonderful blanket and I love your colour choices. I'm also a Bedfordshire lass and haven't been to Willington since I was little. My Grandad's brother had a farm which backed onto the River and I used to love it there. I must re-visit it soon.

    S x

  32. oh ..oh and oh !
    Hi Sharron , you have a GORGEOUS blog !!
    Your crochetwork is stunning ! Everything looks so neat !
    Very beautiful pictures !
    Have a nice evening .. :)

  33. Really beautiful and they remind me of a stained glass window for some reason :) I like your simple joining method, it's very effective in creating a clear definition between each square, who said complicated was better anyway? :)

  34. Hello Sharron, I'm new to your blog and I feel quit ashamed I haven't found it earlier. It is absolutely amazing and I'll be back because there is so much to see and learn. Thank you for sharing.

  35. It's so beautiful. I love all the colours you've used. xx

  36. Hi Annie, what a wonderful, vibrant space you have here! I am your latest member. cheers!

  37. Awesome!!! Hi Annie, you have a beautiful Blogs!!I am your latest menber too...kisses!!

  38. Sharon, I think I have die and went to heaven on this blog. I am fairly new to crocheting but I Love bold color. Love Love your blog!! from the USA. Sherry Baird.

  39. Hello from another corner of England! Ive just come across your blog and am delighted to meet another crochet addict!
    Heather x

  40. Your blanket is absolutely gorgeous!

  41. Thank you so much for sharing all of your color and creativity!! Please do tell how you make choices when you buy yarn. What brand, fiber, color, quantity... I would LOVE to know!! I'm fairly new to crochet - I only learned about 5 months ago - but I am addicted to it! I love looking for patterns and ideas, and I love all the colors. I would just love to know how to accumulate a "stash" of yarn. Usually, when I buy yarn, I have a specific purpose in mind. How do you make the choices you do when ordering yarn?
    Thanks again for sharing all of your beautiful creations and pictures!!

  42. Hi there. I am a self taught crocheter (well with the help of Attic24). I started making a willow blanket recently and have all the squares made but have no idea how to join them together. Could you point me in a direction of a tutorial for joining them? I have just found your blog, and you have inspired me to to dig out my willow blanket from its 2 month hibenation and get it completed.
    Thank you.

  43. Hi to a

    I am probably overlooking it, but where can I find the patterns for these projects? Is there a book or are the instructions here someplace? I love all of these. You do beautiful crocheting Thank you.

  44. You color combination is the most perfect of any I have ever seen. Lovely work. I can see how much love went into all of these projects. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures.
    I also would love to know where I can get the instructions.
    My e-mail is cjpeterson38@hotmail.com

  45. Hi Sharron,
    Greetings from Walton's Mountain country....I'm about 30 miles from the homestead. Found your lovely blog on Pinterest and just wanted to say hello and agree that you live in a beautiful area as well. Hope you make it here to central Virginia someday. I am looking forward to trying out some of your crochet projects.
    Take care...

  46. Hi Sharron,

    My name is also Sharon. I love your afghan! Where can I find your pattern, if you sell it? I would love to have a bedspread made with the colors. It is so beautiful !!!

    Thanks for any help you can provide.


  47. Hi Sharron, i love your blog and your work, amazing beauty :)
    i love to by the pattern please

  48. I have just discovered your blog. The items running down the right side of the pages are absolutely beautiful. Where does one find the patterns for these? The use of colour is wonderful. I would have a difficult time trying to decide what to do first. Your Happy Flower tutorial is great! Thank you

  49. Annie, Your granny square blanket it gorgeous. I am working on one myself. I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours. Love looking at your work.

  50. It's gorgeous. I love all of your creations. You are so talented!


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